Ending my Undergraduate Degree Abroad -- you can do it too!

During my junior year at UCSD, I had already come to terms with the idea that I would not get the chance to study abroad. Even though studying abroad was on my “Things to do in College” checklist when I was accepted into my 2-year commitment to the honors program for my major, I decided to prioritize that opportunity. Because I would be committing to this program for 2 years, I had already made up my mind. However, I worked with my college and major advisors to ensure that I could end my undergraduate degree while abroad during my global seminar. So I did!
As I reflect on my time in Florence, I truly think this experience was one of the highlights of my undergraduate study at UCSD. In my mind, I thought I had to choose one opportunity over the other, but since my junior year, I was gladly able to complete both the honors program and this global seminar, and even participate an additional research program on campus. I learned that it is possible to gain opportunities, as long as I seek them and ask. Not only am I glad to have participated in the Florence Psychopharmacology Global Seminar because I was able to experience studying abroad, but because the courses I took were actually very useful in my career. Currently, I work as a research assistant in a psychiatry lab which focuses on the HIV+ community. The knowledge I gained through the psychopharmacology course I took in Florence allowed me to understand how drugs interact with behavior, and that has been very useful in understanding our participants and the research we conduct.
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