Balancing Excursions, School and Exploring In London

When you first read the syllabus for the Revelle in London Global Seminar, it can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of reading and work there seems to be for the quick five weeks that we were there. The IFSA provided daily schedule can also be a bit overwhelming with the constant excursions, class and reading assignments. I am here to say that it can all be well-balanced and easily accomplished.

Reality of the course work
For this Global Seminar we were taking Humanities 3 and Hito 156. We had class pretty much 2 times every week for 4 hours from 3pm-7pm, each class requiring around 100-150 pages of reading. We were given a 30 minute break and afterwards took a quiz for a randomized selection of one of the reading assignments we had done. Professor Patterson was very accommodating and truly wanted each and every one of us to experience London to the fullest. He gave us two five day weekends, which allowed a lot of individuals to travel outside of London to places like Paris, Rome and Dublin. He made our class time from 3pm-7pm to allow everyone to sleep in if they pleased, since college students are only human. Each class had about 8-10 hours of reading that had to be done before hand, and in total we had two Hum essays and one Hito Final essay to do. I felt like this amount of work was intellectually challenging but also very reasonable and allowed for a lot of free time to explore London without procrastinating too much. The key is to just start the work early and prevent yourself from procrastinating all the work that was given.

There was a total of around 10 excursions/activities ranging from as simple as a hop-on-off bus tour, to exploring the universities of Cambridge and Oxford and to the overnight excursion of exploring the city of Bath and seeing Stonehenge. All of our excursions, no matter how big or small, were wonderful and allowed for our group to experience both the bustling city of London and the beautiful countryside of England.

Roman Baths:
Cambridge Punting:

Exploring London with new friends
We had a total of 21 UCSD students who attended the Revelle in London GS and I can truly say that these five weeks allowed me to get closer to all of them and create some life long friendships. My four roommates and I became amazing friends, we cooked community meals for each other, each of us switching off every day between who was cooking for us all. We are planning to get together once school starts and hang out in one of our apartments, finishing up a movie series we had started together, while also cooking the famous chicken bake that we all loved. I became friends with many other people that were not my roommates as well. We were all in a group chat that allowed for easy planning of outings between all 21 of us, and we typically did everything in very large groups (10+) which shows how close all of us were. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to seeing all of these people once school starts again and catching up with all of my new friends that I made during this study abroad experience.

Family Dinners:
Farewell Dinner:
*Sky-Lauryn White*


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