Souvenir Shopping 101

Summer is coming to an end and you’ve spent five weeks in a place that in some way has changed your life. Now it’s time to buy things for the people that has supported your successes and has pushed you to get where you are today. 

For me, this is my family and friends. These are the people that made me work hard, apply for more scholarships and said “Araceli, go to Rome.” Luckily, I came to Rome with some of my best friends so the shopping process has been way easier. 

However, here are some recommendations for shopping: 

  1. Start early. When I first got to Rome, there were tons of souvenir shops everywhere. So I took note on knowing where they were located. I knew this would make it easier for when the time came to spend.  
  2. Know the prices. I came to Rome on a budget so I knew that I would have a strict amount to follow. So I advise going “windows shopping” during the weeks you are there. This way you will be able to know about how much you should be spending. 
  3. Make a list. Lists are the best thing to create when doing this. I used the “notes” app on my iPhone and listed the name followed by what I should buy them. For example, I did “Mom: kitchen supplies and postcard.” 
  4. Spending. This part was my favorite because I got to bring to life the list I created. However, an important thing to remember is that bargaining is a possibility. I got a ring from 20 euros to 8 euros just by asking. 
Whether you are just starting or ending your program, these are some ways to survive souvenir shopping. It can be stressful so hopefully this relieves some of that stress. 

Good luck! 

Here are the many souvenirs I bought while on this trip and weekend trips.
I am still on track for my budget! 


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