Preparing to Study Abroad & My Flight Experience to Florence

As my last year at UCSD approached, I had always considered studying abroad and thought why not just go for it. I looked through several study abroad programs that would interest me not only for location but also academically. My first travel destination I had always dreamed of was Italy and so when I came across the Psychopharmacology Global Seminar in Florence, Italy I fell completely in love. As a biology graduate in Physiology and Neuroscience, I was extremely attracted to these courses as I was able to continue to learn in my area of interest in the destination I had always dreamed about. Despite being extremely busy, I was determined to do this program. 

Worried about study abroad expenses, I was hopeful that I would earn enough scholarships to fund the program. I was lucky enough to earn scholarships to cover the cost of my program and I used the loan I was offered to have money to spend while abroad. I had prepared myself with an excel spreadsheet to list and categorize everything I would need while abroad. This list when on to categorize clothes, electronics, first aid, toiletries, items to have at all times during the flight, etc. This list was extremely helpful as I was able to mark off items that I had already packed and note how many items of each I would need. This alleviated some of the stress I knew I would have when the time came. 

As my last quarter at UCSD approached, I was primarily focused on my finals. As soon as finals were over, I had commencement within a few days and within that same week I had plans to move out of the apartment I was living at while in San Diego. Not only did I have all this on my plate, but I also had to look into what I needed to prepare for my study abroad experience. Despite being busy everyday, I was always excited for this experience. 

The morning of my flight to Florence, I was so nervous and excited as it would be my first time traveling on my own and my first time ever traveling to Europe. I was on the phone with my sister and she reminded me to make sure that I took a picture and made a copy of my passport to have with me in the case that my passport go stolen or for any other reason. I pulled out the printer and scanned my passport. With my flight closely approaching, my family helped me take my luggages into the car and start making our way to the airport. We got to the airport and found the airline for which I was flying with. Then my worse nightmare had occurred, while attempting to check-in at the kiosk and getting asked to scan my passport, I opened my purse and came to realize I left my passport inside the scanner. My heart completely sunk. My sister and I ran back to the car and drove home but unfortunately, with all the LA traffic there was no way to make it back in time. 

With this flight, I would have been flying with 3 other girls from the program. Although it was my first time traveling on my own, I knew we would all at least have each other. My stress completely escalated when I realized I had lost my flight and had to book a new one. This flight would take me to Rome and upon arriving there I would have to figure out how to get the Florence. I arrive to Rome and book a second flight to Florence. Despite all the stress, I was finally in my apartment in Florence and this wild flight would all be worth it. Please always always always triple check that your passport is with you at all times when preparing to for a flight!!!

By: Zulema Laguna


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