Seoul Searching in Korea

I learned so much during my time abroad. I finally got to experience Korean culture first hand and learn about it's complex history in class. I met many interesting people: from my classmates to our tour guides and the people working at the convenience stores. Everyone there was so kind and proud of their country.
Seoul is a beautiful city, with so much to see. Our class itenerary made sure to cover all the hot spots in the area, even showing me things I didn't know there was to see! So many markets, serving authentic street foods and selling great bargains. And museums detailing the country's rich history. Best of all, there were so many historic buildings and landmarks contrasting with the city's modern infrastructure. The sight of old and new together was my favorite part about Seoul. 
There were times when I was really homesick and some where I felt "culture shocked," but they were part of the experience and I would go through it all again. The small difficulties I experienced are nothing compared to the regret I would have of not going.
After experiencing my first plane ride and going to a country on the opposite end of the world, I now know that I can travel anywhere and have the desire to visit more places. For now, I want to stick to more domestic places like New York and Seattle, maybe even Canada. Eventually, I would like to see parts of Europe. But my biggest hope is to cross the Pacific once again to visit Tokyo- my next big, dream destination.  


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