Returning to America

I didn't imagine to be homesick when I arrived in America.  Everything felt like a dream, studying abroad in Korea.  Throughout the trip, we kept account for each other and the trip created some memorable friendships that I am able to take back to California.  I was asked if I felt homesick during the trip, but everything was so new and fun that I didn't miss home all that much (compared to when I first came to college). I was too preoccupied with the things I had to do, food I had to eat, places I had to go to with the limited amount of time I had in Korea.  Five weeks was just not enough. 

Overall, I made some incredible memories because of the people around me. The trip couldn't have been any better without them and their support.  Looking back, this five weeks went by fast and the moments traveling were long. One of the reasons why I chose to study abroad was because I didn't want to leave college with any regrets, but instead, I now regret why I didn't study abroad sooner. My love for traveling never stops here though.  Now, I am even more encouraged to travel and explore new things.

When I came back to America, I missed California's warm sun and nice ocean breeze.  I missed the sound of the radio on my way back from the airport. I missed the people and food. (Korean food gets tiring once you start eating it for five weeks) I missed San Diego and Taco Tuesdays. Nothing can compare to home, and I grew to appreciate the things I have here back at home. Now that I'm back, I feel very chilly and am still adjusting to the weather and time.  The weather here is truly wonderful compared to Asia's.


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