In less than twenty-four hours, I will be on my flight to Berlin. While I am excited for the amazing experience ahead, parts of me remain nervous. Summer school on its own is stressful, let alone the fact that I have to do so in a completely new environment! Nevertheless, I will be ready. This will be my first study abroad program, and I want to get the most out of it. Given the fact that the program has already scheduled us for much of the famed attraction around the city, I aim to spend more of my time in Berlin exploring the city, especially its food. I've already heard about a few delicious restaurants from my friends and I'm dying to try them out for myself. Another thing on my plan-to-do list would be to visit some historical sites. Although the program already does a good job of that, I'm more interested in history from an earlier time. Because Berlin is a fairly new city, I've made plans to visit both Prague and Viena, two of the most prominent European cities in the first half of the second millennium. I will be traveling there with a couple of other students on the program, and I'm super excited to meet them. That is my basic traveling plan for now, and I hope to further expand it once I get there. Till next time!


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