Leaning Into My Discomfort

As someone whose furthest travel has been from SoCal to NorCal, never would I have thought that I'd be taking the plane for the first time by myself and out of the country to India. However, it is my lack of world experience that really pushed me to take the plunge and go for it! Although I am a little nervous being so far away from home, leaning a little into your discomfort is the best way to grow from new experiences. Through the topic of study, "Climate Change and Global Health", I hope to be able to connect with the environment and the people who exist within it. Studying this topic in India will really guve me a greater outlook by allowing me to view the concept through a different lens than my own perspective. I'm excited to learn more about the people around me and also learn more about myself and my independence. I may have gotten to a late start due to visa problems, but I'm really looking forward to making the best of the time left!


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