5 Things I’ll Miss Most about Athens

I can’t believe this wild experience is already at its end! To be honest with y’all, when I first came to college, studying abroad never even crossed my mind. It was not until hearing about my friends’ incredible experiences, did I decide to take a leap of faith and apply to the Global Seminars program. Now, 6 months later, I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions of my life thus far and I would without a doubt, recommend that if you’re reading this and haven’t already had your own study abroad experience – go for it! Dare to step outside of your comfort zone because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain – new experiences, refreshed perspectives, newfound independence, unexpected friendships, unforgettable memories, and so much more. To conclude my personal experience abroad, I wanted to share the top 5 things I’ll miss about Athens:
1. Babaganoush
- This place made the first and best falafel pita I’ve ever had. It was our go-to restaurant for any meal and it will surely be missed (‘:

2. Open air theater
-The weather in Athens makes open air theaters idea. The occasional breeze is so refreshing and just to the left of the big screen is a stunning view of the sunset by the Parthenon.

3. Fridays’ open air market
-5 nectarines for 80 cents. Need I say more??? (Nectarines are my favorite fruit so naturally, I was in heaven)

4. Being able to see the Parthenon from basically anywhere and everywhere.
-Although we saw it on the daily, we never took its grandeur and beauty for granted. After all, it’s the birthplace of democracy!

5. The people
-Greek hospitality is like no other. I will miss all the friendly faces at CYA, the neighborhood coffee shops, and the 24-hour eatery near our apartment ;-) 


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