
When will you ever have the chance to say, "I lived in Paris," vs. "I visited Paris."
That is right! Studying abroad is the best opportunity to live in Paris and explore what you're looking for within you.

at the Louvre
it is free for students, take your student ID
that is given to you.

Paris is expensive. But you will manage if you apply for scholarships and financial aid. You will either cook your own food or eat out, and I highly suggest to cook on many days because it can be pricy if you eat out at every meal. 
What I loved about living here is that you are inclined to be independent. Living here pushed me to explore events, historical figures like many museums, art, and theatre plays on my own. You will try to form groups and go out together, but you definitely want to learn more about yourself exploring on your own. 
You will ride the metro and bus. A card is provided to you, so not to fret, it is paid for. 

There are pocket pickers. yes, it happened to one of our classmates. I suggest you keep all your handbags/bookbags closed. 
Ladies, if you're going to carry a handbag, do not leave the pockets unzipped. And don't carry anything that is too fancy to be a target. 
Overall, if you keep an eye out, you will be okay.

there are many cigarette smokers and it is absolutely disgusting, to me. I got sick the first week because of inhaling the smoke, to which I am sensitive/allergic. I suggest to be cautious of inhaling this poison smoke. Cover your mouth and nose like I did.

Paris is a big city! You will have plenty of time to explore, but plan accordingly. There is always something to do. So you will never be bored. 
A lot of famous places and people in Paris.

The one question I had for myself in Paris is, 
what did I learn about myself living in Paris?
Create your life, and enjoy yourself.


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