Week 1: Let’s Be Friends!

The idea of studying abroad can seem like an intimidating experience, especially if you choose to enter the program without knowing anyone. Fear of loneliness or social anxieties may stop you from applying to go abroad if you don’t know anyone. These fears almost stopped me from applying, but I am so glad it didn’t. 

I applied to the Drugs, Behavior, and History of Neuroscience Global Seminar in Athens, Greece not knowing a single person who was also applying. A lot of negative thoughts ran through my head before and after applying like “What if I don’t make friends?”, “What if I feel really isolated?”, or “What if I don’t get along with my roommates?”. But during my first week in Athens all of those fears disappeared. 

My worries were reduced before arriving in Athens when many people in the program wanted to take the same flight. I joined that group and through that I was able to follow my peers on Instagram, chat about our upcoming trip, and meet at the airport. I made a really good friend from that group. 

Upon arriving in Athens, I immediately clicked with my roommates. I live in an apartment with four other girls and we have started friendships that will only continue to blossom. We do everything together from eating meals, going to class, and exploring the city. 

During this first week I was able to make connections with more people in my program through our orientations, class time, and class excursions. In class and group activities it is really easy to ask people to grab dinner or coffee, pick up any needed supplies, or plan weekend trips. 

This first week has really gotten rid of my fears and anxieties. My biggest takeaway  is that everyone is in the same boat, you’re not alone! Many people in the program also came alone wanting to make connections and explore the beautiful new city you’re all in. This experience is out of my comfort zone, but has only been positively impacting me. I’m excited to see where the next month will take me and the friends I’ll make on the way. 


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