First Week in Athens, Greece!!

This trip has gotten off to a great start! So far this week, we have had one lesson of Greek language, gone on an excursion with the class, and had lots of free time to explore the beautiful country that is Greece. My roommates and I were able to go to a popular rooftop restaurant/bar one day after our long excursion with the Professor. The excursion was long, hot, and tiring, but well worth all of the great views and sites we got to see. The city of Athens seems to be promising in life and rich in history. One of my favorite things we learned about from this first excursion was the practice of bath houses. Bathing alone was not common until around the 19-20th centuries. Before then, the people of Athens would collect once or twice a week at a local bath house where they would go through many different rooms to enjoy being bathed and exfoliated.
This week we had lots of free time to explore on our own. My roommates and I decided to go visit the popular Astir Beach by The Westin. While admission to the beach was a little pricey, it was well worth it!! The beach was absolutely stunning. The water
was so warm, clear, and not choppy. With our admission, we were able to get our own lounge chairs and umbrellas. The food and drinks were delicious and I would highly recommend visiting it at least once!
Shelby Baker
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