3 things I wish I packed to Greece

      Deciding what to pack when travelling abroad can be tricky. You don't want to over-pack and end up lugging around 50 pounds of clothes that you won't end up wearing. At the same time, you don't want to under-pack and not be prepared for whatever your travels throw at you. After being in Athens, Greece for just 3 days, here is what I wish I had packed:

1. Good walking shoes- While studying abroad, you will be doing a lot of walking, so make sure to bring good tennis shoes. I only brought my converse, flip flops, and sandals. After a few hours of walking around the city in sandals, my feet were killing me. So far, I have been doing a ton of walking as that is the main mode of transportation, and majority of our lectures are done through walking tours and excursions. So, walking shoes are a must!
2. A hat- Athens is experiencing a heat wave right now. The past few days have been around 98 degrees Fahrenheit, and the sun has been beating down on me with all the walking I've done. It gets really hot and uncomfortable, so I wish I brought a hat to provide some protection from the sun.
3. A purse- I completely forgot to bring a little bag. Right now, all I have is an Adidas drawstring bag. The staff and professor warned us of pick-pocketing. They told us to use bags that could zip and be kept at your side. Bags that don't zip, like my drawstring one, are more vulnerable to pick pocketing.

     So far, Athens has been amazing and is treating me well. There is so much culture, amazing cuisine, cute coffee shops, and the local people are all really nice. I just wish I brought those 3 things with me to make my day to day life a little more comfortable.


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