Thoughts from the Plane to Dublin: How I Chose my Study Abroad Program


As I’m writing this blog post, I’m on a plane to Dublin, Ireland, where I’ll spend three weeks before heading to London for two. It still hasn’t fully hit me that I’ll be exploring a new country and meeting new friends in a few short hours, but I cannot wait!

(This is my plane!)

I chose this study abroad option for several reasons. The first is because this global seminar option is the most practical given my major and course schedule. As an engineering major, I don’t have much room in the school year to take time off for a study abroad and it is not very often that engineering courses are offered abroad. This global seminar is allowing me to take technical electives during the summer, ultimately freeing up my school year schedule rather than complicating it. Other than the practicality of this study abroad, I chose Ireland Silicon Valley because of the courses and the location. I am taking MGT 18 and MGT 164, both of which cover crucial leadership skills that I believe will be invaluable in whatever future career I pursue. As for the location, I have never been anywhere in the UK or Ireland and am so excited to explore new cities.

(Some friends I met night 1!)

My goals for this trip, besides exploring, are to try new foods, meet new people, and enjoy the courses I’m taking to the fullest. There are so many reasons why someone might choose a specific study abroad and these are just a few examples of things to think about or plan for when selecting a program. Some advice I have for people beginning this process: do your research, start early, and ask for help. Study abroad can be accessible if you plan ahead, thoroughly research all your program and financial aid options, and reach out to both your community and study abroad advisors with any questions you might have. I am so excited to start my adventure abroad for the next five weeks and cannot wait to update y’all on how it goes!


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