G'day Mate! The Beginning of my Australian Adventure
It's been 48 hours since I've first arrived in Sydney, Australia for the Social Cognition and Drugs program, and it has been a whirlwind of emotions! It was sad saying goodbye to family and friends back at home, but I knew this study abroad program would be a chance of a lifetime that I just couldn't miss out on, and so I was extremely excited as I boarded my plane from Minnesota to LAX and then to Sydney. Thankfully, I was able to sleep most of the 19-hour plane ride and didn't have too much jet lag when I arrived. The first day was amazing! Even though I only knew 2 people going out of the 28 total in the program, once we arrived, it was as if we all became immediate friends. We all went to go explore Sydney together during the day on Sunday. We walked the streets, did some sightseeing, found some cozy coffee shops, and started to fall in love with the city that we would call home for the next 5 weeks. In the evening, we enjoyed a beautiful cruise of the Sydney Harbor and saw some amazing views of the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge as we dined on a three-course meal. The next day, we began our day with orientation and class. It was nice to have the normalcy of sitting in a classroom amidst the craziness, yet exciting new life around us. After class, a group of us visited an Aboriginal festival to learn more about the native culture here in Australia. Overall, the first 48 hours in Sydney have been wonderful and I can't wait to see what else is in store for the rest of my time abroad!
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