Prepare for Takeoff

Hola! In about 12 hours I will be heading to the airport to begin my journey to Granada, Spain. With the madness that accompanies the end of Spring quarter and a quick week at home with family, this trip seemed to sneak up from behind. Many factors led to my decision to study abroad in Spain. Ever since I was little I have always wanted to travel to Europe. I took Spanish classes all throughout elementary school, junior high, and high school and the thought of being able to put all my learning to use excited me. I have heard so many times that being immersed in a country is the quickest and most effective way to really learn a language. This is one of the things I am most looking forward to on my adventure, being able to test my knowledge of Spanish and learn vocabulary that I wouldn't in a classroom. I don't know anyone in my class, and I am really looking forward to meeting a whole new group of UCSD students that will hopefully become lifelong friends. It is going to be difficult to sleep tonight but I know the few hours I will get will consist of dreams of the beautiful mountains of Granada, unique Spanish food, and festive music.
-Madison H.


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